Often when examinations come close students race around to get the latest question papers and approach there known seniors. Here I have uploaded many of the question papers for the academic year 2010-2011 and made your task simpler.
Click on the image you want to download, when it opens just click once to enlarge the image and then right click on it select save image as
Mid Sem and End Sem
Mid Sem (both group A&B)
Applied Chemistry
Engineering Materials
Communication Skills
Programming Fundamentals
Basic Mechanical Engineering
End-sem Papers
Mathematics- 1
Applied Chemistry - GroupA
Applied Chemistry- GroupB
Communication Skills- GroupA
Communication Skills-GroupB
Electical Sciences - GroupA
Electical Sciences - GroupB
Fundamentals of Information Technology
Programming Fundamentals
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Environmental Science
Engineering Materials
Applied Physics-2
thank yuo for helping the freshers through this page but i couldnt find mid sem phy paper here could you pls help......