What to study from where- everything about the syllabus and the books

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Delhi Technological University's first year syllabus can not be found out in a single book for a subject, so one has to study different topics from different books except for some subjects. The faculty recommends some books which are generally foreign authors and are most likely impractical to follow. Here I have listed those books which most of the students followed and were easy to study.

All the topics can be covered from these three books
H.C Taneja
Jaggi Mathur 1+2 - less solved examples
V.P Mishra - this is an IP book but self sufficeint and has good number of solved examples

Communication Skills
No specific book
You can read the 18 page summary for Wings of fire in the downloads section. This summary is more than enough for the paper.
I would also be uploading Gitanjli notes or you can take it from me personally.

Applied Physics- 1
A.K Jha - fully self sufficient and good book, here you would get all the topics in one book.
H.J Pain - good book for oscillations and waves topic ( recomended ).
Biezer- for relativity

Applied Chemistry
Jain & Jain - good book, here you would find conventional analysis, spectral analysis, thermal methods of analysis, phase equlibrium, for rest of the topics you can take notes from me.

Electrical Sciences

C.L Wadhwa
B.L Theraja

J.B Gupta - this is an IP book and excellent one, would find all the topics, three phase induction motor to be done from this book.

Fundamentals To Information Technology
Morris Mano - best book for digital fundamentals
Balaguruswamy- best book for theory part
Leon&Leon- again for theory
You can visit anshu khurana maam's site for theory part also

Environmental Science
Jain & Jain - nice book
Rana S.V.S.
First two chapter notes have been uploaded in the downloads section.

Engineering Materials
V.Raghavan - best book for whole part-A( physics )
Jain & Jain - good book for part-B( chemistry ), would find everything except speciality polymers
notes for that available.
S.O.Pillai- for semiconductors unit

Basic Mechanical Engineering
P.K Nag- best book for whole of the part-A, for numericals solved examples self sufficient
Hajra Choudhary and B.S. Raghuvanshi - good books for part-B, online notes for sixth chapter

Programming Fundamentals
Let Us C - recommended

Applied Physics -2
AK Jha - self sufficient
Subramanium- nice book for unit 2&3

Engineering Graphics
ND Bhatt
SC Sharma


  1. Sir, plz upload GITANJALI notes...

  2. Gitanjali notes have already been uploaded....visit downloads then notes

  3. bt sir, v. raghvan doesn't contain sufficient, as compared to wat our teacher taught...!!!

  4. see the previous year paper , its completely from raghavan only ...its just that you have to it thoroughly ..dont even leave a line undone :)

  5. as far as content n d relevancy of content is concerned, ip books are far better...

    in view of vp mishra n jb gupta...

  6. also ip books are much easier to study..i mean the language

  7. give the link to maam's site for it notes!!

  8. give the link to maam's site for it notes please!

  9. please give links for download.....

  10. what is the url of anshu kharuna mam's website ?
